Mum walks in Fred’s room to see it in a real mess. Fred is led on his bed.
Mum: Right Fred, it’s time for a tidy up…that room of yours is as dirty as your father!
Jumping up - Fred: No! Mum! NO!
Mum: I’m sorry but it is disgusting. Your Father and I have decided we have to do something about it. I swear I’ve heard things.
Mum begins to look under the bed.
Fred: NO!!!!
Mum looks away from under the bed up at Fred
Mum: What? What is it? What’s under here that you don’t want me to see?
Fred: Nothing! Nothing at all… I just thought I’d seen Dad kissing his receptionist again.
Mum: Don’t be silly dear…anyway (reaching under bed)… I can feel something. It’s quite heavy.
Mum pulls out a box
Fred: Mum…I don’t think you should look in there.
Mum: Oh Fred, don’t worry I’ve seen tonnes of porn…your Father has the full box set of Taiwan Twins get Thai’d up!
Fred: But Mum I really don’t think…
Mum opens up the box to reveal a collection of finger puppets.
Mum: Oh no… Not the puppets again. I thought you were over them.
Mum leaves.
Fred looks back at box.
Fred: ... I love you.
Thanks to Danny and Gavin for their help.