Organs Delivered To Phillip Schofield
Could I just point out that there's an error in your sentence
"I was just finishing my mourning cup of coffee".
That's such a marvellously witty error I shall now read the article.
Just read Schofield article - nicely done. Some of the other stories peaked my interest so will check out later.
Do you do all the writing yourself?
Whoops. Thanks for that, will remove the typo. I do the majority of the writing myself, work on the site with a few friends who chip in some stuff. It's pretty intensive stuff though so I'm on the look out for more writers
Great central premise and good overall writing. The thing I saw that slightly hinders this particular article is that the 'blog style' layout detracts a little from the 'genuine news story' tone. I can imagine if this was on something like daily mash or news thump the obsurdity of the subject matter and matter of factness of the tone would work a lot better with the layout of a bbc article. For instance if you said something like 'sources close to the silver haired daytime giggler quote him as saying "I was just finishing my morning cup of tea,"' etc etc
On a side note I checked out the homepage of your site and quite a few of the article headlines made me GOL ( It means giggle out loud, I just made it up and seems more appropriate.)
Or, if the page actually resembled a gossip mag or a click bait celebrity gossip website, the tone would work perfectly.
Some funny stuff like it
Really enjoyed this. Think I'd like to see the articles become a bit more silly - the subject is perfect but I'd almost like to see you really run with it and make it absurd.