Looking for a script editor to help edit a new sitcom web series. We are looking to produce a promo episode of a very exciting and new upcoming sitcom which promotes cultural diversity.The MehmeFemi's is about two culturally contrasting families who find themselves thrust upon one and other. Set in South London, the lives of the Turkish Cypriot family, the Mehmet's, and the Nigerian family, the Olafemi's are suddenly thrown into chaos when the young adults from both families try to break traditional values and live a more modern life.
Unfortunately this is non funded project and I am producing it as an independent filmmaker however the promo video will be used to attract an audience and to then apply for crowd funding to develop a web series for the sitcom or potentially a TV series. The first pilot episode of the show received over 3,000 view in two months od it airing on YouTube.To view more information about the sitcom please visit www.mugeproductions.com
Please get in touch if you are interested would really appreciate the help and feedback