British Comedy Guide

Snail Job Interview

Hey All

Here we go: . Written by Sean Leahy - . Animation and Voices by me.

It's slightly longer than the stuff I usually do. I wanted to do something a lot longer than this but work (and laziness) has got in the way.

Anyway, feel free to critique the script, animation, acting, sound and anything else.

Best Wishes

Nice stuff. For me, I'd have an awkward 15 sec pause rather than "2 hours later", it will feel longer, and make the punch seem funnier (I reckon).

Thanks Gappy. Didn't think of that. That could have worked but I wonder if it may have been visually boring to have such a long pause.

Quote: Yacob Wingnut @ 4th September 2015, 2:43 PM BST

Thanks Gappy. Didn't think of that. That could have worked but I wonder if it may have been visually boring to have such a long pause.

It's just about getting exactly the right length, which is quite tricky. My suggestion was probably a bit too long. Maybe 8-10 seconds is enough for people to think "will this go on forever?" If you get it right very little is as funny as a pause.

Love this. Watched quite a few of your videos and I always enjoy them.

I agree the pause would work better than the captions.

Thanks Scratchyr. Yeah, there's a good chance that it would've been better to have long pauses rather than captions (although part of me likes the absurdity of 2/3 hour pauses and you wouldn't be able to show that in real time). Wish I'd considered that earlier so I could play around with the pauses. I guess I could take it down and redo it but it feels a little late to do so (once you press "public" on YouTube it's all over).

Quote: Yacob Wingnut @ 5th September 2015, 5:47 PM BST

I guess I could take it down and redo it but it feels a little late to do so (once you press "public" on YouTube it's all over).

I love your stuff Mr Wingnut but the timing doesn't work on this. Having just one joke in 28 seconds demands a big pay off. You can also see it coming a mile off, so it would be funnier with an unexpected punchline. The artwork and voices are top notch as always.

Thanks Nick! Maybe I'll re-edit it in the future. I'll get some distance from it first.


Yupyupyup. That's lovely.

Agree that a perfectly judged pause could be ace - but that's still class.

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