British Comedy Guide

Kent Pete's Advice to Parents..Part Two

Your teenage daughter is showing signs of anorexia. She will not eat in front of the family, she will only eat a few foods, especially those low in fat and calories, and more worryingly she appears to base her self-worth on body weight and body image. Further you have recently discovered a supply of laxatives in her bedroom.

Relax, don't delve too deeply into the problem. With the soaring price of food due to the summer floods, you could be on to a winner!.

You never know, you could save enough to book that foriegn holiday you have always promised yourselves.

Nice one Kent I like Part 1 too - read 'em on your My Space last night/day :-)


I'd buy you a cyberspace beer but even my cybersapce account is hopelessly overdrawn.. :-(

You haven't got a problem with cyber beer have you Frankie. You are worrying me. I work on an actual alcohol detox ward in London but I'm sure my unit could cater for cyber beer addiction as well. Let me know if this is an issue, I'll put you on the waiting list.

Hmm, is there a comfy bed and three squares a day on offer for cyber beer addiction (CBAchron) as I do have trouble in my life and need an escape route...

I have tried digging a cyber tunnel but my cyber muscles found it tough going and I have give up at the moment guv... in favour of more C-beer! Can you send a limo over to pick me up?

Very " Top Tips " Viz kind of stuff. Again very well written KP but definately too Viz I'm afraid.

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