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Taskmaster Page 8

Final episode finally had something funny in it - the blind obstacle course on a mobility scooter, which I thought was hysterical..........otherwise glad to see the back of it.

Quote: Sitcomfan64 @ 10th July 2019, 10:50 PM

So, thoughts on the new line up? Jo Brand, Rose Matafeo, David Baddiel, Katy Wix and Ed Gamble. Great line up, Matafeo is one of my favourite live comics at the moment

Only know two of them, but happy to give it a look. Can't be any worse than the one just finished.

Very happy they are repeating the first series, which I missed. Very funny and notice that are not doing a running total?

Was watching the early episodes of the 6th series that I missed and have been enjoying it so much have continued to watch the rest I had seen as they are SO FUNNY with the one this week being absolutely hilarious, especially when they had to load up a plastic carrier bag and make it the heaviest one via a set of suspended scales, without the bag breaking. Tim Vine, almost straight away, "lost" the hook on the scales to hang his bag on and it was so, so funny him trying to find it. I won't say anymore as to where the hook was for fear of spoiling it for someone, but see it if you can! Laughing out loudLaughing out loud

I think, on balance, this is the funniest "crew" of Tim, Asim Chaudhry, Liza Tarbuck, Alice Levine and Russell Howard, (even though I have never been a fan of his) and even the tasks were better/funnier.

So, how are people liking the new line up? I think it's a corker, with Matafeo and Gamble being the early stand outs. The aubergine task might be one of my favourite ever, if only for how naff Baddiel's attempt was!

I couldn't get that excited after one episode...................

It's OK, but I do tend to take a long time to warm to people on this prog. After all, I was NEVER a fan of Russell Howard, but thought he was quite good in Series 6.....................eventually. (by the time it finished) Whistling nnocently

Jo I like but looks like just being along for the ride and seems somewhat bemused - I expect the money was handy. Always liked David, going right back to his days with Frank Skinner in Fantasy Football League. As for the others, I don't know them (apart from Daisy), but am quite happy to see how they come on as there's some promise there.

Jo Brand looks even more pissed off with a look of contempt, of WTF am I doing here - as much as I love her, I can't help feeling her main priority is money and not for a laugh.

This week was much better with Ed Gamble's "Water Feature" utilising Alex's body as a mermaid/man with funnel boobs was very funny, the word game at the end where they had to think of a letter then get objects starting with that was excellent and I creased up with the final task with David Baddiel's egg seeming to take on a life of its own.

Great sound effects game this week, BUT why didn't they show them completed without the "behind the scenes".

So big news. The latest apparently is that it hasn't been recommissioned (as such). UKTV have lost the rights and Channel 4 are looking to get it. Bit of a 'f**k you' to Dave. Doing all the graft of building an audience then taking it from them when it's at its peak

Happens, not fair maybe, but it does. Look at the fuss over Bake Off, and why? Money and greed.

Apparently the latest is the BBC are muscling in as well. I don't really mind where it ends up as long as it carries on but I still think really it should stay on Dave

The Final

All I can say is thank f**k Ed Gamble won it, otherwise I think he would have thrown everything out of his pram. He may subsequently have tried to make a joke out of it, but you could see there were times when he was clearly rattled because he thought he'd been unfairly dealt with. Having said that, he was good for a laugh and had some very good rounds.
David Baddiel was my favourite and, despite my thinking she is great, Jo Brand my least in this series - I always got the impression she would rather not have been there.

There were, I think, better series, but I'll miss it as I would generally watch it when the lunchtime news is on..............about Br***t and now we're going to be treated to months of pre and post "news" about the f**king election. Sleepy

REALLY enjoying the re-runs on Dave - in the last two progs seeing Aisling Bea take her togs off, exposing her flowery knickers and Sally Phillips has been a revelation!! Her "making love to a water cooler" in the caravan was both very funny AND EROTIC! PHEW. Lovey

This is killing me, can anyone tell me who Noel Fielding in wearing on his shirt in Series 4 Episode 1?
I swear it's Grace something., It's on the tip of my tongue! I went as far as Google image searching her but couldn't find anything.

Quote: RFick73 @ 1st December 2020, 11:43 PM

This is killing me, can anyone tell me who Noel Fielding in wearing on his shirt in Series 4 Episode 1?
I swear it's Grace something., It's on the tip of my tongue! I went as far as Google image searching her but couldn't find anything.

Can't find the actual photo of Grace Jones with rainbow hair (is it Photoshopped?), but here is the sweater Noel was wearing, which, incidentally, is no longer available for sale. Not unless you can get one pre-used on eBay of course.


OR, here's her mug on a mug..................with rainbow hair. :D


Series 11 Line Up:

Lee Mack
Sarah Kendall
Mike Wozniak
Charlotte Ritchie
Jamali Maddix

I am very excited, more so than the last few series. Sarah Kendall is one of my favourite comics.

Champion of Champions will follow.

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