Despite happily enjoying many aspects of internet life for many years, it was around an hour ago that I first considered the possibility of forums for writers, writer's forums if you will, lurking behind the same bloody laptop keyboard I've been writing with. Does not bode well
Anyway, my appeal;
Been working on a project for a while, containing a fair few, fairly short two person conversational skits. Some bits I'm ok with, but a lot reads as if both parties are using the one brain between them. mine. they didn't even ask.
Does anyone have some hints or exercises, (even from drama school) that may help me tear my brain into two?
But not by much. it's integral that both parties use perfect logic and reason to further their adventure. Happy enough forming such discourse, mostly draped around Socrates/Plato - reshaping the clay. And as this also follows an ancient people, seems apt. Considering some epistemic errors, GE Moore good for that.
Or, if anyone would like to bounce some around, I would be more than happy It's good to share
I do think the idea is strong enough, but need to crack on, before someone else finishes theirs first; I see a meme approaching.
Many thanks, like the look of this site, so pleased. Be well, regards, neill.