..or should that be..how does it work best. Most people seem to have a GREAT idea and want a co-ee to write it for them or (b) tell them how GREAT their idea is. I would love a co-ee but I'm not sure what for (especially given my original 'typo' thread for this topic (Cock-wrting...Does it ever work?....has it's ups and downs I suppose...)
Co-writing... Does it ever work?
Be brutally honest with yourself re your strengths & weaknesses.
Find someone who's equally honest about theirs.
If your Ying fits their Yang - you've struck gold.
If you mean does it produce successful results I cannot say but I've written what I think is good stuff in collaboration with others - i.e. better than I could produce on my own.
Quote: Lazzard @ 10th June 2015, 9:30 AM BSTBe brutally honest with yourself re your strengths & weaknesses.
Find someone who's equally honest about theirs.
If your Ying fits their Yang - you've struck gold.
I would agrea with Lazzard.
If you play for the audience, then you need feedback from somewhere. If you're writing to amuse yourself, then maybe not.
It's much easier to write with someone else, in my experience. Certainly motivationally, you spur each other on.
Aid and I fnd working together means we produce a better quality of shite.
Do you write for Viz? Hnh! Hnh!
In my experience of co-writing (which is limited), I always found it better to write a section and send it to the other person for critiquing. They would do the same back to me. I once tried writing in the same room as a co-writer and nothing ever got done.