Wednesday 13th August 2008 5:06pm [Edited]
31,465 posts
Quote: Aaron @ August 13 2008, 1:16 PM BST
Re his being unlikeable, that was the whole point of the show. As his Nan said, he's a dickhead. I think that the draw is probably meant to be what the others have to go through?
Unlikeable characters have a long and honourable tradition in the British sitcom, and you could argue that some of our greatest creations have been pretty challenging individuals (Partridge, Brent, Rigsby). However, they were all three dimesional rounded characters whom we came to care about through brilliant writing and performances, that showed us the pathos behind the horror.
This guy's just a two-dimesional arse, and I don't particularly want to spend any more time with him over the coming weeks. Sure, the show was snappy and moved along at a zippy pace, but there was no depth to it. It was all flash and no substance. In other words, another duffer from BBC Three.