British Comedy Guide

Man And Horse (short cartoon) Page 2

just watched all your videos back to back (as I had a spare 30 seconds! lol ) and they are all good, almost to the point id say they work better back to back as the honour has time to grow on you, a bit like a good one liner comedian, they are always better if you get one joke followed by another than just trying to tell it standing on its own.

I love the "Daves coming over!" did not see that coming till it was there and I'm still laughing now!!!!!
Knock Knock I think would have been better if you hadn't given away the anti-climax bit in the middle of the joke, same idea but
"knock knock, Whos there?
Anti! Anti Who, Anticlimax!" so you get the punchline and the look of excitement and then nothing all at the same time.
But all in all I did just ike them I loved them thought they were brilliant and very funny

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