Please share similar occurrences/advice you may have.
People find out I write comedy, or come across my videos, and suggest ideas to me ALL THE TIME. 99% of the time, these ideas are not funny and/or not my style at all.
I enjoy bouncing ideas around with people I'm working with, but these are from people that are nothing to do with show businesses, if you will. The worst I've had to deal with, was an entire script idea from a (crazy) woman. The ideas weren't funny, and basically she just wanted me to do kinky, weird stuff on camera. That's another story.
Things like "Hey, you should make a video where it's a guy, and he's like...high or something." Yes. Brilliant. Great. You're the next Jacques Tati. I don't even know why I bother attempting to make comedy with great minds like yours breaking down the comedy barriers.
The best I have come up with, is to smile and nod. Occasionally I say, "Yeah, that could maybe work," then not do it at all. BUT, every so often I get a sticky one. After I say it could work, they keep looking at me. Then, the dreaded words, "....So are you gonna make it?"
I hope I'm not alone in this, or sounding like a jerk, but I wanted to vent. What are your methods of escape?