Monday 7th December 2015 6:22pm
suburban south London
2,871 posts
Quote: Strumpet @ 7th December 2015, 1:29 AM GMT
It is a painfully slow show. I always fast forward when the main guy repeats the questions.
Me too. One of my mother's main bugbears with the format is thus:
"AA - Remind us what you do.
Contestant - I'm retired.
AA - What did you used to do?
Contestant - I was a peripatetic bee keeper.
AA - great stuff. Let's play Pointless!"
Quote: Maurice Mynah @ 7th December 2015, 11:27 AM GMT
I wish they'd learn the difference between "Less" and "Fewer"
One gets fewer points for a less well known answer
Another one of my mother's niggles.