British Comedy Guide

What are you reading right now? Page 88

Not that much. Very little non-fiction at all.

Quote: Aaron @ October 30 2009, 12:33 AM BST

Not that much. Very little non-fiction at all.



How are you pal?

I'm ok. Yourself?

Not bad, watching Peaches Geldof and Fern Cotton thing.

Get rid of the Geldof!

The Great Expectations and especially The Pickwick Papers, which is source of countless fantastic quotes, are my two favourite Dickens' works.

Quote: WrongTale @ October 30 2009, 1:15 PM BST

The Great Expectations and especially The Pickwick Papers, which is source of countless fantastic quotes, are my two favourite Dickens' works.

Absolutely agree, the Pickwick Papers is my favourite too, but I would put Martin Chuzzlewit as my new second, it's ace.

Somehow stumbled onto The Sun's discussion board and reading the thread debating the Jordan versus Pete situation. If you ever think you're wasting your life posting on here, have a look over there and you'll feel somewhat better about yourself.

Random comment I enjoyed...

'Stress is responsible for an awful lot of illnesses that we don't really understand.'

Just finished Under the Dome.

Cor what a monster, but an ace bit of serious satire on Bush era America.

And a man explodes which is always good.

Quote: Tim Walker @ October 31 2009, 6:53 PM GMT

'Stress is responsible for an awful lot of illnesses that we don't really understand.'

Carefuk that's Raj Persodes whole career in one sentence.

Calvin and Hobbes comics :D

I always viewed Calvin as a nascent serial killer.

Hobbs did it...

Got two on the go at the moment:

The Death of Bunny Munro ~ Nick Cave

The Ministry of Fear ~ Graham Greene

Slippery is that you in yur avatar?

N.B. Graham Greene top choice,

It's frickin' Nick Cave !!!

Yeah I've only read The Third Man and some of his other short stories before now - plunging into one of his novels. I'm enjoying the Hitchcockian North by Northwest style plot . . .

The Quiet American is my favourite,

sorry Nick looks way to happy for me to recognise him.

The movie versions of it stink though.

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