I watched a documentary about logic last night that mentioned how Alice was all part of the logic movement. Very interesting stuff!
What are you reading right now? Page 194
It's called an acrostic: a poem or puzzle whose first or last letters of each line spell out a name or message. Very Victorian.
I've just started last year's Booker winner - 'The Luminaries' - Eleanor Catton. It's about 800 pages long so that should keep me going for a while.
Quote: beaky @ 6th February 2014, 4:16 PM GMTI remember that he "borrowed" Lord Maulever's clothes ... and was kidnapped by an American gangster, thinking the Owl was the schoolboy earl.
There's a similar plot device in Bunter the Sportsman, where Bunter borrows Mauly's coat before surreptitiously joining the Bounder on a midnight outing in a Rolls Royce. The escapade ends disastrously and Bunter is later sought by crooks who think he's the schoolboy earl.
About to start this; the Writer wrote one of my favourite McCoy Who stories:

New Scientist
Report on 'Faecal Transplants'.
A book I we were "forced" to read at school, but none of us enjoyed and all failed miserably on the test:-
"Greenmantle" by John Buchan, with the hero Richard Hannay - he of "The Thirty-Nine Steps" that I am sure most people are familiar with.
Reading it now, which I am thoroughly enjoying, I can see why it did not appeal when I was a mere slip of a lad at school - plenty of derring but not enough do.
Might have made a good film at the time, but maybe not in this day and age.
Donnie Brasco - Unfinished Business
Just finished Playing for Pizza by John Grisham. Meh is about the best way I can describe it.
About to start The Antipope by Robert Rankin.
the Last Word Hanif Kureishi
Good story. Annoying characters. Some top aphorisms but...litbiz people are a load of crap. Books, too.
Well right now, I am reading this forum page entitled "What are you reading right now?".
I'm reading my own book trying to make sure I don't have any continuity issues in the sequel. It's so mental tat even I can't remember who's who or what's what! I've also got three other books on the go - all biographies....Peter Cook, Tom Baker, Tony Hancock.
This article on the BCG: https://www.comedy.co.uk/features/the_impact_of_comedy/
Having a go at one of those Stephen King thingies for the first time:

Before that I read ths thing, because I'm a 15 year old girl: