I'll have to do it in a minute, I think there's someone at my back door.
What are you reading right now? Page 187
Are they ringing your bell or shaking your knockers.
If its the postman tell him if his package is too big for your back entrance he can always try the front flap.
But if he's like mine, you get the red card until he see's a tip.
Greedy bugger.
I've had an old stool stuck in my back passage for weeks now
Do you want me to pull out, or are you still trying to push it out.
Oh gawd!
You lads need to create a Finbarr Saunders thread and submit to Viz. They seem to publish any old shite theseadays.
Quote: lofthouse @ 25th November 2013, 10:13 PM GMTRofl
Lofthouse I think you should keep opinions to yourself talking about Rofl harris lol.

ooh, I love that cover!

Penguin Classics are publishing the entire series (75) of Maigret novels in new translations, one a month.
This is the second.
Just finished the new pratchett entertaining and a big TT
Improvement on last couple
Just finished re-reading Replay by Ken Grimwood
Amazing book and I'd highly recommend.
Quote: Harridan @ 5th February 2013, 11:32 PM GMTI'm super-excited about getting this in the post tomorrow:
I have a feeling I won't get much studying done once it arrives, though.
Was this any good? I am thinking of buying it for my niece?
Quote: Tursiops @ 7th December 2013, 5:04 PM GMTWas this any good? I am thinking of buying it for my niece?
Yes, it was. It has an introductory chapter on the rise of the steampunk aesthetic in general and then it catalogues the diverse works of 18 different artists. Full-page colour photographs of objects and pages from graphic novels and digital art.
EDIT: It does have a couple of nudes and few horror images that might be unsettling, so if your niece is a child you might want to look at it first to see if it's ok!