British Comedy Guide

What are you reading right now? Page 105

Quote: Gavin @ June 23 2010, 7:39 PM BST

So cute and sweet. You'd think I'd hate it. But I love it!

And it must be like the 3rd time you've read it now.

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ June 24 2010, 9:14 PM BST

And it must be like the 3rd time you've read it now.

Whistling nnocently Whistling nnocently

The guy is a genuinely nice bloke as well.

My mum is reading The Great Gatsby at my request, and just came into my room saying "But is Daisy a victim of herself or her times?!" very loudly. She found my answer of "I just don't know anymore!" hilarious and I feel all smug.

Read The Lost City on holiday. Can't remember the author. Great book though.

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ June 25 2010, 9:09 AM BST

My mum is reading The Great Gatsby

I keep meaning to buy that.

I tried reading Jude The Obscure the other day, but I had to give up after 10 pages.

Just finished reading the latest Dirk Pitt book. I might give up on them now - either they've got worse or I'm just not enjoying them so much after going through all the Jack Reacher books.

Today I am reading some Hellblazer comics and I'll probably buy China MiƩville's latest at the weekend.


The one by Irvine Welsh, I mean, not just general magazines.

Everyone from Trainspotting is back, in a new adventure!



Yet another book mocking the colour blind. Will they ever be given the respect they so richly deserve?

If Chins Could Kill - Bruce Campbell

I have just read a book called "Mothers & sons". I really learned a lot. Apparently when your pregnant you have a 50% chance on having a boy & 50% chance on having a girl. I did not know that. It my case I had 2 monsters so I have no idea what went wrong there.
To be fair it was enlightning. No matter how you bring up your sons they will have issues with it.Im just glad I let them do it by themselves.

Did they go down the road to the old lady and let her change their names too? :(

Patricia Highsmith - The Talented Mr Ripley

Where Do Comedians Go When They Die? - Milton Jones

RIP Beryl Bainbridge. A fine and often very funny writer.

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