Thanks for the long reply Marc!
I can understand why you would want the man to look more angelic. I thought I had made him look fairly innocent but maybe I should've gone further with it.
If I made the voice deeper wouldn't it negate his angelic look somewhat?
I played around with the timing a lot. Maybe something more drawn out would've worked better. At the time my thought was it was funnier to get to the punch quickly. I wanted it to be so quick that it was almost confusing.
I know brass in an alloy. It seemed (almost) amusing to me that he would go to a lot of trouble to get someone to mine for a cheap metal that can't be mined for.
Nice idea about "She looks fit". It certainly would tie in with the pay-off. Though maybe it would detract from his assumed innocence if he used the word "fit".
So you were sharing at her breasts then? Tut
Big thanks again. Hope it doesn't sound like I'm being dismissive of your point of view in any way. I really like hearing these opinions.