Just a short little poem I posted on facebook, I liked it so much thought I'd put it on here as well for feedback.
Read If You Must!
Read if you must, my little rhyme,
Posted on here cos I think its sublime,
But whilst reading this post, Your life's slipping away,
and when you are finished, you might stop and say,
Why did I read that? what was the reason?
Have I gone insane, Is it crazy season!
Why did I read it? why did I look?
and then you will realise, its because of Facebook,
"It's not my fault", you will proudly boast,
I like to go on here, and read everyone's post's,
But can it be true that our lives really depend,
On reading the postings that everyone sends?
Your friends "Doing their ironing" or "Going to the loo",
Is this really something,that's so important to you?
So they had a great night in their local bar,
Drunk too much wine, and went a little too far!
And they post it on Facebook, but is that really right?
If there really your friends, where was YOUR invite?
Our Facebook friends we know so much about,
But most we don't speak to, or ever see out,
So is Facebook good, are we onto a winner,
by knowing what a stranger has just had for dinner?
Or should we stop posting, and say Facebook is over.
Maybe we could all give this up, for "Stoptober"?
And to finish this appraisal, I just like to say,
We'll look back and laugh that we did this one day!
So read If you must, This stupid rhyme,
But haven't you something better, to do with your time?