This is all great stuff. Thanks guys and girls. Its been very insightful and very kind of you to keep commenting and talking to me which I appreciate. I need to go back to the drawing board of my sitcom I think. I've run off with the story and characters just to draw in the audience whereas I think I could get away with pulling back to the beginning and giving more meat to the bones.
I'm a graphic designer by trade but ever since I left the profession I'm writing about I've always imagined it on the telly. I left 20 years ago so its always been burning away in me to get it out there. I've decided that this is the year I write it up and knock on some doors.
When my script is finished and I'm confident that it could go live who do you approach first? Producers, directors, an agent? I know Im running again before I can walk but I just wanted to know the protocol. Cheers.