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I've got a script but will the idea get pinched?


To cut a long story short I've got a fantastic concept for a sit com - completely original, funnier than something funny, its based 85% on real life events and I think its a winner.

What I want to know is, if you tell others where your situation comedy is based around and the odd gag, whats stopping someone else running away with it while you're still fine tuning your script??

Am I just being paranoid or do I have a valid point? I'm in new territory here but I've talked through the situation comedy and the funnies with a variety of people and it has been very well received.

Any tips for a newbee would be really fantastic. I think ideally I need to work with a professional script writer to get it into shape fit for telly.


Hi Stu,

Short answer is no, you can't stop your sitcom idea of being pinched.

If it is ever going to get made, you will have to tell somebody about it eventually.

However however great you think the idea is.I guarantee someone will have thought of it before. If you think about one of the great sitcoms it is not the setting that makes them great it is the execution-the characters dialogue and plot.

I think they say idea is 5%, execution 95%

But the good news is that you can write it yourself! Don't worry about it being pinched, just write it. Get feedback, then re-write it.

Of course, if you get someone else to write it, it won't be just your idea any more....

I'll do it for five K. Send me your idea and list of characters and I will get it back to you in two weeks or so. Genuine offer.

Well done on coming up with the idea, but as Jennie said the work's all left to do. Someone could easily steal your concept sure - but they couldn't just as easily do something with it.

Think about any of your favourite sitcoms, then imagine stripping away the characters. Suddenly you realise the situation isn't really the thing, that makes it what it is. I'm not belittling the idea Stu, coming up with a great concept isn't easy to do. If you know about the situation inside out, then you're best placed to write it surely? Have a go, see what happens.

Otherwise hire Marc for 5k, or cut a deal with him based on future revenue ;-)

P.S How did you work out the figure of 85%?!

Future revenues don't put a pain au raisin on my plate tomorrow morning at eleven o'clockish to go with the creamy java - know what I mean!

I do, hence the wink!

You get up far too early.

Laughing out loud

Mayhap it is on a breakfast tray fetched by my maid!

Quote: Marc P @ 7th January 2015, 6:28 PM GMT

Future revenues don't put a pain au raisin on my plate tomorrow morning at eleven o'clockish to go with the creamy java - know what I mean!

So yours is a java script then Marc?

Wow thanks for the prompt reply everyone. Food for thought indeed. My main concern is someone could steal the idea and fashion a really shitty script around itthat's miles from what I've done but its done and its out there. When I produce what I've done it'll be another sit com around that same profession <yawn>. Its lost its originality. So in this situation I think keeping the profession this is based around a secret is important.

I'm still unsure about posting the script publicly. I'd rather keep it totally exclusive so I would like to sit with a notary script writer who can help me explore the script in more detail. Thank you for the kind offer Marc P I'll keep that in mind. Once the script is in order would it worth filming the first 10 mins or so yourself to send as a demo or do you send off scripts? Thanks again for any pointers. Greatly appreciated,

If you wish to judge my credentials Stu, give us a couple of lines from characters with a brief idea of their attitudes and I'll give you a gag line :)

This would be for free.

In that case, I need the 5k more than you. Stand aside!

I lie in nostalgic reverie till noon, then rustle up a vacuum packed croissant and a brew. In my pants.

P.S Stu don't let that put you off. I work till at least 3pm, and my pants are nearly always clean.

Sounds to me like you should do a line as well for free wills and Stu can decide who to commission.

Hand bags down ladies, lets not shed tears about who has the best comedy line of the hour. Th comedy in my script is there, the characters are there, the situation is there, all I fear is that I need padding around the gags to make the show sitcom longer so it'll last over 6 episodes. Thats the skill of a seasoned script writer. I guess or should I just get on with it? Is it a good idea to produce your own short film/intro of your sitcom to send off rather than a script? Would a visual be more interesting that another script. I have plenty of mates who will volunteer to act, cameramen etc. I know, I'm a lucky boy. But who to send it to when its done? I have so many questions. I really need to finish the script first yeah?!?

Wills - sorry in answer to you question I came to the figure 85% through this simple process:

a. The whole thing is true
b. I allowed 15% for the extra lines I threw in just to make the gag that bit funnier
3. See a and b


haha I'm far too pigeon-hearted for that kind of challenge. Stu, Marc's your fellow.

Don't worry about people producing a shocker of a script on the back of your idea. It won't make the slightest difference to the chances of the same concept being commissioned. If the script is woeful, the reader won't get to page three. If yours is great, they'll keep reading. Simple, really.

By all means though, keep your script private. And if you can afford, work with a writer you trust to improve it.

Producing you're own pilot can be useful, if you have the contacts and your idea can be transferred to screen (relatively) hassle free. The crew, actors, equipment, locations etc are going to cost you money. The less you spend etc etc. Cost doesn't necessarily have to be a barrier though, as long as your cast is right and the writing is brilliant. This will shine through. Oh, and good mics. There's nothing more annoying that muddy sound..this is more important than a good camera trust me.

Just got your last reply. Yes, finish the script first!!!

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