British Comedy Guide

Time travller

MAN sits facing the audience.

TIME TRAVELLER runs towards him from stage left and grabs his collar.

TIME TRAVELLER - Good man! You must help me! I have travelled through time near and far, from yesterday to tomorrow, to 50 years hence in order to save humanity from total and certain destruction. Today, my friend, today is the most significant day of all, and you can help me save us all if you take me to...

MAN - Yeah, yeah, sure, alright mate. And have you got a ticket for this bus?

TIME TRAVELLER - (pulling out a ticket) Not with today's date on it.

MAN - Piss off.


(i assume that's all the feedback you need)

Quote: Wills @ 4th January 2015, 2:18 PM GMT


(i assume that's all the feedback you need)

Thank you :)

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