(I couldn't find a thread devoted so I took the risk and started one)
Seriously... between the 40 and growing classic Doctor Who collection, and the complete Monkey, I've almost completely finished my task of making the world dissapear and loosing myself in a DVD wonderland of 6pm weeknights of my childhood.
However, the BBC (the same people who don't want me to complete my Fast Show set) are really holding out on this whole Goodies thing. LWT have realeased their complete series. But the BBC are really holding out on us. I've serached high and low and even contacted the BBC via email who put me through to different sections and so on until i just gave up in disgust.
Has anyone heard anything about any plans for a complete season by season realease? I refuse to buy the best ofs as they're just a tease. Or am I going to have to resort to downlaoding them or something?
My boss just made a reference to the goodies and it felt like a javelin in my lung, it pains me that much.
it makes me very and ever so