Stephen Goodlad
Wednesday 5th November 2014 9:15am [Edited]
8,124 posts
I have just finished reading Paul Merton's autobiography and have come to the conclusion - he is a cock.
He does mention the feud but says it was engineered. But like most things in his book, he doesn't go into enough detail - he's a great skimmer past awkward things.(and surely that's why we buy and read autobiographies).
He is also a great one for taking all the credit for successful things and a 'blamer of others' for the unsuccessful ventures.
For instance; he was admitted to the funny farm twice. He describes very well what he was experiencing and it was compelling reading. He even said he wanted to leave the mental ward but knew he would be sectioned if he tried.
He should have left that chapter as it was and the reader with the feeling that it could happen to anyone (it was genuinely frightening and made you think 'there by the grace of God go I').
But he had to blame something! And he blamed the anti-malaria pills he was taking at the time.