Alfred J Kipper
Saturday 25th October 2014 10:25am [Edited]
8,482 posts
So TBT wrote the Four Yorkshiremen sketch but it wasn't enough to make him a Python. Still, he got a nice rival show with two chums from er, here we go again.
But my point is this: silly nonsense comedy became the preserve of the posh and well educated. They stole it off a non-member, Milligan, and made out they invented it because the joke was you had to be clever to make something so stupid. At least most of them now have honestly acknowledged this elitist smash n grab.
Baker, Feldman, Jason, Percival all better comedy actors than the eight above and the first two very good comedy writer-performers. But all were left to make their own way. Feldman would've made a great Python. Would they have been in if they'd been at Uni with them?