British Comedy Guide

George Flump Comedy cast Killed

Hello my lovelies,

I am after 5 minutes of your time to watch the first episode of George Flump.

The arc of the story is asshole to hero. The first five episodes show George to be a total a-ole, then we teach him a few lessons, and make him good.

I'm interested to know if you want to see more, or can't get to the end of the first episode. Thank you so much and really looking forward to your replies.

Here is the link:

Not a fan, there's clearly time money and skill gone into it.

But George's comedy voice is annoying and a 2.5 minute strop with 2 mild jokes in it doesn't do it for me.

Thanks Joel. I'm actually with you on that one and fear that building instant rapport with George in Episode five was a mistake in that it should have been done from the off. But it's done now and I wonder if it can be saved.

I dunno, it might actually benefit from turning George down and introducing a voice over.

Maybe a Wonder Years later life Flump or the dreaded moc doc.

You could give yourself some counterpoint.

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