Monday 6th October 2014 7:55am [Edited]
6 posts
Thank you for taking the time to explain, really appreciated 
Gabrial, Grub short guy (Thumper)
In the kitchen Des writes 'Dear Diree, I've been thinkin, the helicoper seat frame
from New Road recyclin will make a new sea front invenshon for wachin de seagulls. To-night am going dramarin an will write again soon.
It's dark
Des locks the front door walks to low sides delivery van, drop down back. Sets off but a problem with clutch. As he drives through the town in early evening traffic - Mains power cut - all shops/street lights go out.
Oh man?!
Slows down - takes fast turn right. Drives through darkened street -pulls up outside of Gabes house. Takes torch from glove box. Gabe has a candle flickering in the window. Des rings bell.
Inside House
Grub in flourescent green suit with large orage glowing eyes and feelers with glowing orange tips. Jumps up on to the couch - bends down and picks
something up then presses face against window.
The item catches fire - grub seen bouncing up and down on couch trying to put the fire out when Des rings the bell again. As Des tries to peer in through the window- Door opens
Des peers in to the darkness shining torch - Burning smell
Hello?! What's that smell man? You had a fire?
Grub can't be seen
Slight accident Desmondo!
Des can't see Grub shining torch over his head
Where you gone?!... Where you gone man?
Gub with burnt feeler
Down here mate!
Des takes a step back see glowing grub
Ahhhgg! what the!
Grub takes his head gear off
Thumper is that you?
Non other mate come in.
Gabriel enters in one piece lycra outfit - Des shines torch on to him
You okay Desmon? Ding Dong'll be here any minute put your costume's on and I'll get the paint
Paint? What paint?!
This paint
The facepaint is bright orage
No Way!Am not puttin no face paintin on!
Gabe holds out a small pot of black face paint
And this on your nose.
Look at it like this Desmon no one will know it's you.
Oh,man! Where's the costume!
Just here Des
Des shines torch on to sparkling heap. A long haired orange and brown catepillar suit-
Des turns to Gabe
You have to be kiddin me?!
Walks over picks it up puts it on.
Where you been keepin this it smells like a bonfire!
Des takes a candle to the mirror puts face paint on.Just as door bell rings
and mains light come back on. Gabe puts his hand to his mouth - Grubs mouth drops open. There's a big hole in the back side of the caterpullar suit
Well? What d'you think?
He turns round and the burn has gone through to the front
Gabe & Grub
You look fantastic - great! Terrific!
Door bell rings
That'll be Ding Dong
Gabe opens the door
You managed okay Ding Dong?Lets take a look then
On the pavement are two giant peaches.
Ding Dong
I made two, on's just for emergencies like.