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Writers wanted for piss taking anarchist magazine


I'm the editor of 'Britain's 2nd Worst Anarchist Magazine'; Now or Never! It's a humourous,counter-cultural, lefty rag with a punky sensibility.

We've been out of print now for a couple of years and some of our regular contributors have fallen by the wayside. A new issue is coming out later this Autumn and we are after some new contributors. Our content is pretty eclectic, so more or less anything will be considered so long as it broadly fits our ethos.

It's a non-profit affair and everyone provides their work for fee. So no dosh on offer I'm afraid, although you will of course get a credit and a copy of the mag. If you like poorly produced punk music, we can probably throw in a couple of free CDs :P

If you'd like to submit something, please send to To get a better idea of what we're about, visit


That's the way to do it, well done and best of luck Tug.

Just had a quick look and the first thing I found at random was a poorly written article boasting about a police training facility that had been set on fire with the hope that police stations would be burnt down in the future.

Don't think I will be subscribing.

Cheers marc :)

Will: I appreciate we publish political pieces that are not for everyone, but did you actually read the article? Whilst the quality of writing is of course a matter of opinion, the main thrust of the article is clearly that there are more constructive and effective ways to pursue social change.

That said, we will publish more or less anything, so if there are any buddibg arsonists out there...

I always thought that anarchy meant to live without government, but I get the feeling modern anarchists are more like socialists. Is that the case?

That's vogans Nogget.

I'd say most anarchists are libertarian socialists, who seek to replace government with a society genuinely run by the people. This has been the dominant form of anarchism for over a century. It is however a broad ideology; some neo liberals consider themselves to be anarchists, and seek a society without any market regulations, etc. Protected by private police forces.

Hey. I'd be very interested in getting on board with this. I did stand up for three years and have written all my own material and saw some reasonable success from it.
If it helps I am a huge fan of punk rock and punx tattooed on my wrist.

Is your middle name Henry by any chance Phil?

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