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You Decide! The Future of Scotland

After the best part of 2 months of insanity, I've finally got my choose-your-own-democratic-adventure type book published on Kindle.
It's partly because I've been working on this that I've been quiet in other areas recently, so anyone who was enjoying the break from JD may see this as a mixed blessing, though the book is easier to avoid!

BTW - Even though this is in Showcase, I'm quite open to feedback.

Enjoy :)

You Decide! The Future of Scotland
The funniest book linked to the Scottish Referendum that in reality has very little to do with it (the referendum or reality) and where, like the adventure books of old, YOU DECIDE what happens.

On the 18th September Scotland votes whether it becomes an independent country. Whether you get to vote in that poll or not, with this book You Decide! The Future of Scotland.
You Decide! what happens to you on polling day and the night before.
You Decide! which way to cast your vote.
You Decide! what crazy futures might be in store for Scotland.

Take control of a nations future in this humourous, often surreal, non-linear adventure looking at the crazy possibilities the Scottish Referendum could create, all researched by exploring the many parallel universes where the vote had unexpected consequences.

Before this book tried to cash in on the referendum, who would have thought that the democratic process could contain so much hot sex, time travel, Earl Grey tea, hot sex, hemorrhagic fever, bad puns, hot sex, debating, broken 4th walls, pandas, hot sex, Alex Salmond, quantum physics, hot sex and a 100% money back guarantee (complete with conditions ensuring that it's impossible to claim on).

By the way, did I mention the thoroughly mad author and the really hot sex?

PLUS!!! Read this book and you're practically guaranteed the chance to meet the author when you and he are both being treated at the same loony bin (I think that's the current PC term, isn't it?) He'll even sign your straitjacket in crayon.

Warning: contains some NSFW words, quantum theory, time travel, breaks in the 4th wall, pandas, dinosaurs and really really hot sex.

It's now available in paperback for those who don't like ebooks. So, as I've been telling people:

It's a strange beast that looks at various wild and surreal possible outcomes of the vote.
It features pandas, time travel, hot sex, hemorrhagic fevers, dinosaurs, hot sex, broken 4th walls, pop-culture references and really hot sex.

Did I mention the really really hot sexy sex?

It also has a 100% money back guarantee with small print to ensure that nobody can ever claim, but you wouldn't want to claim anyway - you just need the reassurance that it's there...

It's available for kindle ( ) or paperback ( ) and it's guaranteed funny (in at least one sense of the word).

Hope you might like the idea and enjoy it if (I mean when) you get it!

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