British Comedy Guide

A quickie

I wrote this rather quickly and thought I'd share it.

Middle-Class Businessman talking to an Old London Bread Seller.

How much is that bread?

Five pounds, sir.

Five Pounds!!! You're having a loaf ain't ya?

Oh, very droll sir.

Thank you, I dressed myself and I too rather like it but I didn't come here for fashion tips, I came here to buy some darn bread.

Oh, we don't have any of that. Try India, sir.

I said "darn bread" not "naan bread". Do you get much business around here?

Not really, sir.

Well I'm surprised... wait, you don't? Then why you still here selling it for then?

Not much else for me to do. Except for "yours", sir.

"Yours"? What's "Yours"?

Mines a pint of bitter, if you don't mind sir.

I am going to stop talking to you. You are an extremely silly man. Good day.

Farewell to you, sir. ... ... Bastard.

I heard that!

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