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Scriptwriting? Why bother. Page 4

Quote: Marc P @ 23rd August 2014, 4:32 PM BST

Perkins wrote for French and Saunders and on Ab Fab apparently and had a long career in TV before said sitcom. Maybe she met some people to chat with about he r idea when in there.

Maybe but she was in there all of ten mins, she did very few bits indeed for Abfab, AFAIK 2 bits that aired. And F&S wasn't a sitcom. And she got into comedy through Oxbridge Marc, you appear to completely blank out the Ox Review and Cant. FL path into pro comedy that's as well oiled as it's ever been. How does that not equate to Oxb. influence?

Quote: sootyj @ 23rd August 2014, 5:13 PM BST

Funnily enough this conversation I think has inspired me to pull my finger out and get back on with Newsjack.

And my latest shitty sitcom project.

That is a very uncomfortable juxtaposition of metaphors!

Quote: Marc P @ 23rd August 2014, 5:08 PM BST

Are you honestly telling us it has nothing to do with her being a lesbian gappy. A cabal with more sway than Opus Dei!

I didn't even know Lauren Laverne was a lesbian. Are you telling me that the lyrics to "Rough Boys And Modern Girls" were all FILTHY LIES?

Quote: Marc P @ 23rd August 2014, 5:14 PM BST

Alright don't lose your rag! Oh you probably did sorry.

Even my window cleaning-themed disco band, The Squeegees, was a complete failure.

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 23rd August 2014, 5:14 PM BST

Maybe but she was in there all of ten mins, she did very few bits indeed for Abfab, AFAIK 2 bits that aired. And F&S wasn't a sitcom. And she got into comedy through Oxbridge Marc, you appear to completely blank out the Ox Review and Cant. FL path into pro comedy that's as well oiled as it's ever been. How does that not equate to Oxb. influence?

We are disagreeing about the central crux and not just Sue Perkins. I see your Sue Perkins and raise you one John Sullivan. If sue Perkins is an example of being a successful sitcom writer by the way from Oxbridge I suggest they stick to University Challenge.

Quote: gappy @ 23rd August 2014, 5:18 PM BST

Even my window cleaning-themed disco band, The Squeegees, was a complete failure.


To answer the original question...

Because you enjoy it.

Or am I being naive?

Quote: Lazzard @ 23rd August 2014, 5:23 PM BST

To answer the original question...

Because you enjoy it.

Or am I being naive?

Nicely put.

To be honest, if there's one thing that would adversely affect the immense enjoyment I get from writing comedy and music journalism, it would be having to do it 9-5, and try to earn my living from it. Laughing out loud


Sullivan came from an age when genuine writers were sought and needed, now we're in an age when there are thousands trying to write sitcoms for a living and the broadcasters have their books stuffed many times over. Totally different scenario now.

Any new John Sullivan out there now will never get a look in, the new OFAH will never be found because the broadcasters don't seriously look at the scripts flowing in through the letterbox/email tray anymore. Why not? because they have a rising flood of pro comedians desperate to do sitcoms as well.

The poor squegees I heard you put them through the wringer

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 23rd August 2014, 5:32 PM BST

Sullivan came from an age when genuine writers were sought and needed, now we're in an age when there are thousands trying to write sitcoms for a living and the broadcasters have their books stuffed many times over.

Any new John Sullivan out there now will never get a look in, the new OFAH will never be found because the broadcasters don't seriously look at the scripts flowing in through the letterbox/email tray anymore.

To me this is evidence of more open opportunities, rather thasn the opposite. Yes, that's the downside, isn't it: if everyone can now have a go, it becomes a challenge to get noticed. Once again, I'd relate this to the music industry.

I might be simple-minded, but I doubt producers think "God, I can't be arsed to read this big pile, let's see whether any of them went to Balliol and give them the gig".

Now, they might think "God, I can't be arsed to read this big pile, let's see whether Robert Webb or Chris Moyle want to do a show, it'll be much quicker and easier to sell", but that's a different case.

Without any hard data to back this up, I would venture to say that there are probably fewer Oxbridge graduates in the uper echelons of creative writing of all types than there are in politics, banking, advertising, and so on. I reckon you've chosen the wrong target to tilt at.

Quote: sootyj @ 23rd August 2014, 5:34 PM BST

The poor squegees I heard you put them through the wringer

That's unfair - there was a whole lot of post-band success for the lead singer, Sudds.

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 23rd August 2014, 5:32 PM BST

Sullivan came from an age when genuine writers were sought and needed, now we're in an age when there are thousands trying to write sitcoms for a living and the broadcasters have their books stuffed many times over. Totally different scenario now.

Any new John Sullivan out there now will never get a look in, the new OFAH will never be found because the broadcasters don't seriously look at the scripts flowing in through the letterbox/email tray anymore. Why not? because they have a rising flood of pro comedians desperate to do sitcoms as well.

I see your John Sullivan was a generation ago and raise you a Bain and Armstrong.

Quote: Marc P @ 23rd August 2014, 5:04 PM BST

It's an Internet forum never let anything get too serious :) I shall keep my weapon unsheathed!

I think that is my problem as I have admitted many a time that the older I get the more of a cynical pessimist I become.

And oo-er... :P

Manchester, the 2nd tier of BBC comedy talent intake along with Bristol. Both unis have funnily enough been in the 2nd tier of all grad success for a very long time, they scoop up what the top lot don't get or want.

I see your Manchester and raise you a Ricky Gervais.

And for your earlier request, can't do 7 but there may well be 7. Can do a few, Hamilton - Inbetweeners; Bird, Thomas, Sweet - Chickens, undoubtedly more to follow, Finnemore - Cabin Pressure; Perkins - Heading Out, a relative flop but it still made it straight to primetime BBC2. Thousands would love that type of flop.

That's just the writers, include star actors, you have a load more.

Include producers and directors, more still.

And if GH had wanted to include all comedy then you might have an even higher quota, try panel shows.

To simply deny it has any bearing at all is fruit n' nuts.

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