Any resident fans of Boston Legal on here? I couldn't find a topic among the first sixty so here I am writing one.
On the face of it it's typical David E Kelly stuff - preceded by Ally McBeal and The Practice, it seems like the same concept for a third time, but it truly has forged its own identity and with that a unique sense of humour which never fails to disappoint.
I laugh and engage with it as much as I have any sitcom and for that I feel it deserves a thread on the forum. Being an hour long it is perhaps more commonly referred to as drama but there is no doubting that the comedy is as commonplace as it is important.
The third series finished on the UK's Living TV about a month ago and the fourth will air in the USA on September 25th. I implore all those who haven't seen it to give it a go, and those who have to share their thoughts.