British Comedy Guide

Katy Brand's Big Ass Show Page 3

I like her work. 'Specially her send up of the Ting Tings and Lilly Allen [sp?].

I really liked the "Sex in the Pub" song. I find the whole show really enjoyable - definitely more hits than misses I think.

I'm really enjoying this series - the musical spoofs are always excellent - such high production values, especially considering this is on ITV2.

It's a shame it's so tucked away, it deserves more exposure. After all, I think it's better than 90%/100% of the sketch shows BBC Three have put out this year.

I really like the Royal girls sketch, with erm... the two teenage royals. I can't remember their names.

And the Kate Moss etc at school, bullying ginger Stella MaCartney.

By far the best of all the sketch show having female comedians, I reckon.

Sorry but this show is utter utter utter crap.

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