British Comedy Guide

Make me a brew....purlease? Page 2


why thank you :D they are from the Konditor and Cook recipe to celebrate my 100% english lit score. yep-not only top 5...and Im bragging for once :$

I love brownies, especially without walnuts. Are they the no calorie kind? If not, I'll have to eat them standing up, cos that doesn't count.

Isn't this all a bit sexist with the women making all the drinks and food, shouldn't they be cleaning or something

Or out on the streets making us some money. It's a hard life being a pimp.

Robyn - 100% - Amazing, congrats.

hehe Simon calls me by my real name :$ lol

Simon, you Muppet, you've given away her secret identity, don't worry Scats, no one noticed ;)

*looks around suspiciously* I dont think theyve even noticed I exist in most places...though some boy I know told me off for being able to see my bra through my stupidly short dress today (I was freezing)-and my other friend who usually hates me punched the first boy for staring at my chest in the first place :D ah we learn so much at school

I bet no-one knows my rea-



Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ September 12, 2007, 7:31 PM

hehe Simon calls me by my real name :$ lol

It's unnerving isn't it. But I quite like it...

its like most people at school know theres "that Robyn" but not many know who I actually am :)

Quote: zooo @ September 12, 2007, 8:26 PM

It's unnerving isn't it. But I quite like it...

Do you Laura?



Yep. It's still working.

Actually, I very rarely call people by their nicknames, I can never bring myself to say, "Hello is Sticky Fish Fingers there?"

The great thing about having a stage/pen name is no one has to know your real one. MUH HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAA!

Sticky fish fingers? That is no name to give ya sister.

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