British Comedy Guide

He may be sootyj to you...

...and he is to me too. My latest blog about writing comedy for a living, interview with Sooty J

Nice interview. SootyJ has done very well with his freelancing exploits. I freelance here and there, but can't match his achievements.

Yes, very nice litte interview.

I Really like the way that Joel is willing to always help others with their writing.

Good on him Wave

'tis a pleasure thanks you guys

No more than a cheap tart, turning comedic tricks for fat old men. Well done, sooty!

Nice one Sooty, good article. I gave up with Elance in the end maybe I should have stuck at it, but I was putting in loads of hours for little money, good site though for working from home, and you got good scores and ratings.

But I bet he secretly still eats the catfood.

Its because I think cats are too fat

Nice interview, enjoyed it

Yes, very good interview and well done sooty for giving it all up and making it work.


Yes Echo that
SootyJ is a comedy computer who deserves everything that he's getting & more
Always helpful & encouraging to myself & others & a thoroughly nice chap

Happy Birthday!

Quote: Lee @ 5th July 2014, 11:43 AM BST

Happy Birthday!

you're just saying that to everyone now?

Your cover on BCG is now blown Sooty Joel.


Nice interview, helpful, and yay at successes.

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