some yoke
Thursday 18th September 2014 4:16pm
37 posts
How I'd tell that story:
You know in situations when you have something ready to say? A fully formed thought just ready to be spoken. It could be something witty you've rehearsed or maybe you're just at the front of the queue about to order a hot dog.
I have about four I rotate just for my parents. I have nine for my cats. One is: 'Hey pushy wushi whoosh puss puss, miss me?'
Little catch phrases and short cuts that help you navigate your way through life in certainty.
When things got awkward between Cowboys and Indians, they could still pass each other on the desert plains. (holding up hand) 'HOW!'
Even intimacy between family members in the Mob is restricted to: 'Waddayado?!' 'fuhgeddaboudit.'
Everyone, in every level of society accepts these meaningless exchanges as absolute, the sum total of your commitment on any particular subject. Your final say...
Except night clerks.
You go into a 7/11 after one a.m., the ones where one guy runs the whole store, and order a hotdog, you'll see.
In the day shift your next words are guaranteed to be ketchup or mustard.
At one a.m. how are you going to say Mustard to a night clerk who has just complained of chest pains. You give him medical advice, look at his scars, talk about how your uncle died young because he didn't get check ups.
How are you going to look a night clerk in the eye, someone who's driven a tank in the old country, and say ketchup and onions when he's telling you about his Part Time Degree.
I had a night clerk look me square in the face after I ordered a hot dog and asked if I could show him CPR, he came out and laid down on the floor.
How are you going to say: 'and a diet coke,' to a nervous grandfather with an upcoming audition for a crime scene re-enactment video. You check his air ways, you feel for a pulse.