Friday 2nd May 2014 6:06am
180 posts
Quote: Lazzard @ 1st May 2014, 9:54 AM BST
Unless you have action between the lines, don't split it up - it'll become tiresome to read.
I would use "..." and parenthicals ie (beat) (pause) - and in this case I reckon it would be valid to put some basic action directions in parenthicals eg (steps back)
But essentially make it one slug of dialogue
Character: What am I doing? I'm having an argument...Yes, with my shoes...because they're going in the wrong direction...excuse me, I think I understand full well what my shoes are doing.
Possibly with a direction
Character is heckled by a passerby
Character: What am I doing? I'm having an argument...Yes, with my shoes...because they're going in the wrong direction...excuse me, I think I understand full well what my shoes are doing.
Okay, to confuse the issue. I've got two characters on stage. I want one to interpret what the unseen character is saying, so
Character1 is heckled by a passerby
Character1: [To passerby] What am I doing? I'm having an argument...Yes, with my shoes...because they're going in the wrong direction...excuse me, I think I understand full well what my shoes are doing. [to Character2] I can't stand it when people go on about your shoes
Character2: First world problems, mate
Character1: [To character2] Universal problem...[To passerby] Can you leave it out please, this is between me, my mate, and my shoes
Is that clear. Do you understand who's saying what to whom?