3D Mobile Apps
1. CHIP:Last week, Barcelona Mobile World saw a surge in 3D technology and apps for mobile phones. But what do early adopters think will be the killer app for this new tech?
2. WOMAN:I love the 3D weather app, especially when it's sunny. It's good to keep my tan topped up. You've got to be careful though. I accidentally left it on a forecast of rain - ended up flooded.
3. CHIP:Many think popular mobile games will get a new lease of life in 3D.
4. BUSINESSMAN:I play Fruit Ninja on the way into work, but after upgrading to 3D, I ended up having to see an important client with half a pineapple stuck in my left nostril.
5. CHIP:And you lost the account?
6. BUSINESSMAN:I could have, but luckily the client never noticed. He was too preoccupied with all the 3D Angry Bird poo on him. Still they say bird poo's lucky - was for me.
7. CHIP:As usual with mobile technology, many teenagers are raving over the advances.
8. GIRL1:I love me phone - love being able to see me mates in 3D. Won't say anything against it like.
9. CHIP:I notice you're wearing an eyepatch - does that limit the 3D effect?
10. GIRL1:Well a bit. But it's me own fault - I was holding the phone too close. Din't know me boyfriend was gonna sext me.
11. CHIP:Maybe the killer app won't be an app, but just the ability to film in 3D, as this music lover says.
12. BLOKEI was sick of having to watch gigs through my normal screen as I film them, but now with 3D cameras I can watch it on the screen as I film and it's so realistic - it's almost like I'm there.
13. END