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What Makes A Character Likeable


I'm currently trying to write a sitcom, and looking for tips

What do people think makes a character likeable? And is it actually important that they are?

I'm not sure likeable is the right word, it's identifiable I'd go with.
I'd say it's about them having traits that your audience can sympathise with.

e.g. with Lister in Red Dwarf, laziness, scruffiness, guilt and having an arsehole colleague we're stuck with.

I'd also say ambition, so Basil Fawlty always has an aim in life even if he's misses it constantly.

I know what makes a character unlikeable-if it's green and doubly underlined.

Another dubious way to raise money for the site?

I don't get what you mean Paul

Thanks Sootyj but surely all character traits are identifiable - even evil or whatever?

Or I suppose idetifiable traits just make them more of a real person

You're not getting these underlined words?

Likeability isn't that important, most interesting characters are sympathetic but I think likeability is overrated.

Take for example the Rev in Rev.

He's kind, a loving father/husband.

But it's when he moves away from it, that the humour and identification comes in.

No, I must be being really dense

So, what sort of traits would make a character uninteresting then? It's not just being nice is it because some nice characters can be funny

It's all about counterpoint and conflict.

So for example Fawlty is a bully, a snob, a violent bully at that.
He's also a coward and has an inferiority complex.

So when he switches from beating Manuel to being terrified of his wife, it's that shift where the funny lies.

Or with Rev, the Rev is a lovely sweet guy who cares. So his guilt and awkwardness at being Islamophobic or using drug money is where the funny lies.

Every time a character goes against their natural direction.

This is of course entirely my opinion, I might even be wrong.

Quote: Paul Wimsett @ 25th March 2014, 3:42 PM GMT

You're not getting these underlined words?

I think it's actually a bug affecting my browser.

Broad brush-strokes, but I find most funny characters fall into one (or more) of these 3 categories:

(1) Morally-abhorrent - Johnson, Basil, Rimmer, Steptoe, Superhans, Gareth, Cartman, Mr.Garrison, Blackadder, Flash-heart, Meltchit, Mr Burns, Elizabeth I(BA), Eddie Hitler, Butt-head

(2) Stupid - Homer, Manuel, Jez Usborne, Cat, Maggie, Kryten, Darren Lamb, Uncle Albert, Prince George(BA), Darling, The Fonze, Butters, Murray Hewett, Beavis

(3) Unlucky and long-suffering - Brett/Jermaine, Basil, Rodney, Mark Corrigan, Larry David, Rick Spleen, Kyle, Lister, Baldrick, "Barry off Eastenders", Steptoe's son, Richie Richard

David Brent mixed all three almost perfectly.

In fact, I can't think of a single likeable, intelligent, well-balanced and high-achieving character who is actually funny.

Such characters (for example, Neil in The Office) provide a foil for the horrible/unlucky/stupid funny characters to mock or envy, but are seldom funny themselves.

Wow, quite comprehensive answering there Simon. I get what you mean though and quite a few of these characters have aspects of one or more of your categories like Cat is Stupid but you could also argue that he's selfish and vain making him also morally-abhorrent - plus Gareth is a bit stupid too - good list though.

Who is your favourite baddie in a sitcom? I'm also trying to write a really evil character who would fit perfectly into your top category - but I was thinking even more evil than all of them

Well there's always been the sub genre of the warmedy, which is positive, life affirming but above all positive.

Where most of the characters are likeable like I suppose Happy Days.

But I can't think of a single English version, they're also a lot less funny.

"Likeable" is very subjective. I like Lister, other people think he is very irritating.

As Soots said, instead of making them likeable make them flawed but identifiable. A good sitcom character should take a flaw that can all identify with and exaggerate it to the nth degree.

Quote: SimonWing @ 26th March 2014, 7:19 AM GMT

Broad brush-strokes, but I find most funny characters fall into one (or more) of these 3 categories:

(1) Morally-abhorrent - Johnson, Basil, Rimmer, Steptoe, Superhans, Gareth, Cartman, Mr.Garrison, Blackadder, Flash-heart, Meltchit, Mr Burns, Elizabeth I(BA), Eddie Hitler, Butt-head

(2) Stupid - Homer, Manuel, Jez Usborne, Cat, Maggie, Kryten, Darren Lamb, Uncle Albert, Prince George(BA), Darling, The Fonze, Butters, Murray Hewett, Beavis

(3) Unlucky and long-suffering - Brett/Jermaine, Basil, Rodney, Mark Corrigan, Larry David, Rick Spleen, Kyle, Lister, Baldrick, "Barry off Eastenders", Steptoe's son, Richie Richard

David Brent mixed all three almost perfectly.

In fact, I can't think of a single likeable, intelligent, well-balanced and high-achieving character who is actually funny.

Such characters (for example, Neil in The Office) provide a foil for the horrible/unlucky/stupid funny characters to mock or envy, but are seldom funny themselves.

You've forgotten

(4) Snobby, looks down on people: Audrey Fforbes, Margo, Mrs Bucket, Rimmer, Harold Steptoe to some extent.

Most funny characters are a combo really.

You also forgot a Robot; that girl from Small Wonder, Kryten, T-800 in the Terminator, gay Daleks.

Although Daleks and Terminators are both technically androids.

which is funnier a Dalek; which is a biological lifeform in a mechanical body.

or a Terminator is a robot in a biological body.

How would they manage in an odd couple romance, would there be unresolved sexual tension.

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