Int. Claires bedroom – 23.00
Claire, 16, and Albert, 75, are in bed together. The lights are off and the only light is coming from streetlights outside. Two dark figures can be seen on the bed. One is in between the legs of the other and performing oral sex.
Claire: (Moaning) Oh Albert. Allllllbert. No! No! Please! Please, just stop for a moment.
Albert moves up the bed and lies next to Claire. He turns the bedside light on.
Albert: (Concerned) What is it, my sweet? Is my tongue too much for you.
Claire: (Awkward) No, no. It’s not that. Your tongue’s just perfect. I just don’t know if what we’re doing is right. I mean, what with the age difference and everything.
Albert: (Reassuringly) You don’t need to worry about that old thing! It’s only 59 years difference. And, after all, girls like the older man.
Claire: I know, I know! But what if my dad finds out? You know what he’s like and I wouldn’t want you to come to any harm.
Albert: (Firmly) Now you just leave him to me. Everything will be ok. I’ll see to it. I don’t want you getting in hurt in any way whatsoever.
Claire: (Enamoured) Oh you’re just so much more considerate than any boy my age.
Albert: (Modestly) well, y’know! I try my best and I wanna prove just how considerate I am by going south again.
Albert turns off the bedside light and moves down the bed again.
Claire: You truly are the best. The best Grandad that a girl could have.
Screen fades to complete darkness to the sound of Claire climaxing