Hi, my name is Nathanielle. Yes I've spelled it correctly, no it's not the "French" spelling, no I didn't change it to be unique. Ask my mother, she signed the birth certificate.
A few things about me. I'm proud to call myself a Vermonter. If you ate Ben and Jerry's this week, you're welcome. We're also the home of such writers and cultural icons as Robert Frost, Shirley Jackson, and John Goldsmith. (Stay Thirsty My Friends)
British comedy was a fixture in our house for as long as my mother was in charge of the remote. I've been exposed to John Cleese and Stephen Fry in one form or another from about the time I was five. (Just not in the form that could land us a huge settlement check) Some of my current favourites from your side of the Pond are Michael Mintyre, Russell Howard and Daniel Sloss.
From my side I'm particularly fond of the late Mitch Hedberg and the currently still living Steven Hofstetter and Ellen DeGeneres.
I'm starting out with the open mics for now. Trying new jokes, sharpening my act, and trying to follow the advice of my mentors and influences. For the most part comedy, like the other arts I have pursued, have been a wonderful alternative to abusing cough medicine. But if it turns into something big down the line, I certainly won't complain.