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These peeps are a looking for stuff!!!!!!!

White Room Theatre Company, call for scripts.
28 August '07

White Room Theatre Company is a new professional company, producing new work in the city of Leicester. White Room are actively seeking scripts, work in progress and proposals for production in 2008, which may cover physical, text based, or collaborative work. White Room can only accept scripts submitted by post.

Please post scripts or ideas to:

White Room Theatre Company
93 Harris Road

For more information, please visit:
Or email:


University of California search for plays about science and technology
19 August '07

The Professional Artists Lab and the California NanoSystems Institute at the
University of California, Santa Barbara continue their collaboration with
the third STAGE International Script Competition, open to plays about
science and technology.

The winner of the Scientists, Technologists and Artists Generating
Exploration (STAGE) Competition will receive a $10,000 USD prize, along with
opportunities for developing and promoting the winning script, including
access to advice and guidance from professional theatre and film artists as
well as experts in the fields of science, engineering and technology.

Submitted plays must explore scientific and/or technological stories,
themes, issues or events. (The competition is not open to plays written in
the genre of science fiction.) Entries must be postmarked by December 31,
2007. The winning play will be announced in July, 2008.
For details about the competition and submission guidelines, visit For questions or additional information, please
STAGE Script Competition
Professional Artists Lab
CNSI - MC 6105
3241 Elings Hall - Bldg. 266
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-6105


New writers plays, poems, performance art, short films
16 August '07

Two new companies, dedicated to new writing are holding a competition to have work produced in a festival in January 2008 at The Miller, London Bridge
Missfit productions and Burning Houses Productions are looking for:

Playwrights, Performance Poets, Performance Artists, Animators, Film Makers
(Shorts),*for the second wave of the Write Side of the Brain Festival, a
three week long event of exciting new work drawn from a wide spectrum of
performing arts in January 2008 at The Miller, London Bridge.

Artists should use this opportunity to promote their work to industry
professionals, while also getting vital audience feed back. This festival
will be ideal for writers wishing to try out new ideas.


The chosen piece of work will run for 1 -3 nights of a festival to be held over 3
Interested parties should send 10 pages of an existing script along with a
short outline of the play you are proposing. 2 to 3 hander plays suitable
for a small stage or plays which may also use the auditorium - a large
upstairs pub room with its own small bar. We would like to meet all
applicants to discuss the project and for them to see the venue before
writing the play. We are primarily looking for writers currently developing
scripts or about to write one although playwrights with existing scripts
which are suitable for the space will also be considered.

Send Plays by email to: and all other work to

Or post your full contact details and current
work on CD/DVD/CV/Photos/Examples to:

Address: Care of: write side of the brain, 27 Provost Street, London N1

Or please invite them to see your poetry reading/screening/performance between
now and September 2007


The Write Side Of The Brain - Jan 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30 2008

All performances start at 7:30PM

For further information about The Write Side Of The Brain:


Light Entertainment Writer Wanted
Performer Simon Gross is looking for a freelance writer to work on several light entertainment projects for television and the theatre. He is working on a new act based along the lines of variety and light entertainment and takes inspiration from great comedy variety icons of the likes of Stanley Baxter, Dick Emery, Mike Yarwood, Michael Barrymore and Bob Downe.

Simon is looking for a writer that can write sketches, stand-up, gags and come up with exciting characters.

For information about Simon's own production company, see, call him on 020 8663 1579 / 07774 663 844 or see his personal website at


Wave Wave Wave Wave Wave

Thanks for heads up Charley - that's what I call a mixed bag!!!

Thanks for the info Charley :)

AJP. I thought the bottom one might be good for you hun.

Quote: Charley @ September 2, 2007, 1:16 AM

AJP. I thought the bottom one might be good for you hun.

Yeah but it requires energy and effort, wheres my red bull?

Thanks Charley...


Light Entertainment Writer Wanted
Performer Simon Gross is looking for a freelance writer to work on several light entertainment projects for television and the theatre. He is working on a new act based along the lines of variety and light entertainment and takes inspiration from great comedy variety icons of the likes of Stanley Baxter, Dick Emery, Mike Yarwood, Michael Barrymore and Bob Downe.

Simon is looking for a writer that can write sketches, stand-up, gags and come up with exciting characters.

For information about Simon's own production company, see, call him on 020 8663 1579 / 07774 663 844 or see his personal website at


I wonder if you phone this guy and tell him you write comedy, will he say 'OK, make me laugh..'

Does look like the emphasis is on 'light' which may not be right for AJ's wry sense of humour.

Cheers for these Charley - much appreciated.

Thanks Charley,

Frankie, that happened to me once. I rang up a company that was looking for sketch writers and people to write material for stand-ups. I rang the number and the woman said: "OK, tell me three of your best jokes." I wasn't expecting it and I ended up telling three jokes that everyone has heard a million times before. She humoured me by saying they were very funny, but she didn't laugh once. Rolling eyes She said they'd call me back if they needed me. They never did. I was only sixteen at the time and when I got off the phone I cried my eyes out. :D

Wasn't funny at the time though. Angry Be warned.

Awwwwwwwwwwww!Poor Rustle.

Yes I dont know if this info is any good or not, just thought I would post it up anyhoo.x

That sucks Rustle, I did that with a (6th form) college interview once. I said I knew a load of people there. They said name them and I only knew 3 Laughing out loud Very embarassing.

Thanks for the info Charley. Knowledge is power (unless you have Alzheimers)

Thanks for the info! There's some interesting opportunities there! :D

Quote: Charley @ September 1, 2007, 10:01 PM

For information about Simon's own production company, see, call him on 020 8663 1579 / 07774 663 844 or see his personal website at

That first link doesn't work. The comma has to be removed.

Quote: Charley @ September 1, 2007, 10:01 PM

Light Entertainment Writer Wanted
Performer Simon Gross is looking for a freelance writer to work on several light entertainment projects for television and the theatre. He is working on a new act based along the lines of variety and light entertainment and takes inspiration from great comedy variety icons of the likes of Stanley Baxter, Dick Emery, Mike Yarwood, Michael Barrymore and Bob Downe.

Simon is looking for a writer that can write sketches, stand-up, gags and come up with exciting characters.

For information about Simon's own production company, see, call him on 020 8663 1579 / 07774 663 844 or see his personal website at

Where did you get this information?

Quote: earman2009 @ September 15, 2007, 5:03 PM

Where did you get this information?

That sounds a bit Jack Bauer

Quote: ajp29 @ September 15, 2007, 9:47 PM

That sounds a bit Jack Bauer

Laughing out loud It does. Source of information has been found.

Good stuff, thanks!

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