Tuesday 4th March 2014 9:23am
198 posts
Quote: Blinkered @ 3rd March 2014, 5:59 PM GMT
Please advise! I could not 'copy and paste' this frustrating formatted page for one-liners so I sent as an attachment. Does anyone think I'd need to do the lot again in the body of an e-mail..but then it wouldn't be formatted. Bring back rushing to the last sorting office collection.
Uh... yeah, you should always be attaching a document for oneliners - Ed Morish has a blog post here(http://edmorrish.tumblr.com/post/47537438357/everything-i-know-about-newsjack) about the 'inner workings' of newsjack (Pretty old regime at this point but absent other info we might as well assumethat's still pretty much their process).
Regarding filenames I think provided you have your name in there they won't care about underscores. Certinally not going to blackball you for forgetting them anyway. (I also did my RTF in word but it seems to have screwed up formatting for opening it in anything else. Sent in .doc as well as .rtf and left it up to them!)
Quote: StephenM @ 3rd March 2014, 10:28 PM GMT
Speaking in the utopia of pre-rejection I really like these new format of one-liners. Feels good to be trying something different after years of Vox-pops! I do of course reserve the right to change my mind come Thursday.
So far I do not. Very restrictive formats IMO, and having had grand success last series with 'opening monologue gags' I'm mourning their demise especially.