Tony Cowards
Sunday 14th December 2014 11:41pm
1,762 posts
Quote: bushbaby @ 14th December 2014, 8:43 AM GMT
Yes, we used both terms up't north 
Ahh, fair enough.

Quote: FunyHaHA Not Funy Strange @ 14th December 2014, 10:50 AM GMT
I don't understand what you mean Tony sorry? can you give a few examples and why its a sin? I have the feeling I'm going to be one of the guilty ones, but don't know what I've done! lol :-)
I think gappy has covered this but the reason why it's a sin is that it signposts the punchline and is less satisfying.
For instance I wrote a joke which goes;
I bought some cheese which had the words "Wee" and "Poo" written through it, it was immature cheddar.
Now if I'd written the joke as;
I bought some cheddar cheese which had the words "Wee" and "Poo" written through it, it was immature cheddar.
It's less effective because I repeated the vital word from the punchline in the set up, in fact, if I'm being picky my example above repeats the word "it" which is a bit clunky, unless the joke relies on it I would always try to avoid repetition.
Synonyms are your friend, say your joke relies on the word "bike" in the punchline, you'd use "bicycle" or "cycle" in the set up. Sometimes you'll have to pull a bit of linguistic trickery but this is usually better than repeating a word.