Teddy Paddalack
Wednesday 27th November 2013 1:42pm [Edited]
4,512 posts
Sooty you can write what you want about me and then take it down like a shithouse it doesn't bother me lad
I'd say make it funny but I'd be wasting my time, you couldn't write funny with a f**king boxing glove on and a wobbly pen.
As for being a troll. you're miles off lad. I work my arse off trying to put stuff and get noticed, I do it because I'm skint and hope to God someone sees a glimmer of potential, I don't want fame Sooty I just want to be able to pay my rent in the middle of an economic downturn.
You may not find me funny, that's fine I'm not looking for universal acceptance of my stuff just a niche of people who think it's funny will do me.
This all started after I got a few good reviews,once that happened people who rarely acknowledge I'm on these boards came on to put me down.
So I defended myself I always have, because I have seen what happens to poor bastards who come on here and show weakness, they get cut to bits for fun.
I'll be the first to admit I can flip, but look at what transpires before that, people like you come on out of pure f**king envy and dis something out of jealousy.
I have put some shit sketches up I'll be the first to admit that, but when I do hit a coconut I don't expect to have to fight every f**king gypsy in the fairground in order to take it home
But you won't get me soft arse because I am funny, I have always been funny and I will always be funny, that's not me being big headed that's me being confident enough to tell you to blow it out your arse.
You haunt these boards like Casper, you claim to be a well paid writer with a hundred and one jobs on the go, if that's the case why bother starting arguments on the internet with people trying to get ahead?
If you're a comedy writer lets put it to the test.
Put your best ten sketches up, let's see what gives you the right to get on other writers backs.
If you want me to put what I consider to be my best ten up,I'll be happy too.
We can put it to a vote, whoever wins stays and the other leaves, I know you have more mates than me on here so it's a massive risk for me, possibly suicidal.
But I will abide by the vote and leave these boards as I don't want to be on a Comedy site that lets people like you attempt to bring people down on a whim because your bored shitless and can't think of anything funny to write.
So Lets do it lad, you and your sidekicks can vote me into oblivion, all I have on my side will be what I consider to be my best sketches and the hope that people will give honest opinions.
Take the challenge Sooty banish the Troll and rule the roost, you can then strut your stuff and rip new comers to pieces safe in the knowledge that your the best writer on here and only your views count.
It's the Scouse equivalent of going outside for a straightener, I've had a fair few of them in my time I never won them all but I have never backed down from one either.
So SootyJ the international well paid expert in comedy, do you fancy coming with all your mates and take a lone Scouser on?
I could be gone for good by Saturday and you and your's can get back to hijacking a site that is supposed to be for comedy.