British Comedy Guide

Mid Week Woes

Hawsley House Community Centre

We see a sign

'Adult Self Help Groups every Wednesday Night

We see a middle aged woman behind the reception desk

She is holding a phone at arm's length and all her actions suggest that the conversation is too loud and to fast etc

"You're right sir I'm not the' Queen of F**king Sheba' but you'll still have to contact the Anger Management class yourself and let them know you're running late won't you!"

An extremely fat man then waddles slowly down the corridor, the woman spots him half way and she shouts to him

"You'll want room 3 sir, follow the kitchen signs and you'll find two doors at the end of the corridor"

"How will I know which ones for Over Eaters?"

"The locked ones the kitchen"

The lift then opens and two men are standing inside arguing with each other

"Heads I said heads!"

"You said Tails you lying bastard"

"Would you two gentleman make your way to Room 2 please The Gambler Anonymous class started ten minutes ago "

The two men slink off and pass a man in sunglasses who is entering. The man then reaches into his coat and grabs a box of Tic Tacs and swallows the lot, he then cups his hands to his mouth to smell his breath

The woman spots the man and his actions as she shouts over to him

"Alcoholics Anonymous is in Room 1 sir"

A small man in an anorak then enters

The woman spots the man but doesn't shout.

The man walks slowly up to counter.

The woman smiles and clasps her hands slowly and speaks kindly

If you're looking for the Medically Timid Class sir,it's in Room 5

"I'm not timid, I just have to walk slow because I have a massive erection

Disgusted Look
"The Sex Addicts groups in Room 6!"

The woman then picks up her coffee as speaks to herself a she does so


"I f**king hate Wednesday nights in this place"

Now this one has a premise, Teddy, which is more than just a pun. I think you need some twist though. Perhaps the receptionist ends up being directed to a group for receptionist impersonators. Or something like that.

To be honest, most of your stuff leaves me unimpressed and unamused - sometimes I think it's incomprehensible. However I found this really funny. You should try to find a target for it.

And - dare I say it- sort out the punctuation.

Fair play, that was colourful very detailed and funny, it kept on rolling and at a good pace

As usual, Teddy, funny and original. I agree that the ending's not quite right, though - it'd be funnier if she didn't look disgusted at the final chap, and it ends with her happily sipping her coffee.

No she's had enough Beaky she really has, thanks for the feedback bud.

There's something in this :)

Quote: gappy @ 25th November 2013, 6:58 PM GMT

There's something in this :)

said the burglar as he put his hand in the night commode.

I liked this one too
Some good lines & funny exchanges.

I would be nice to get some kind of twist at the end but not sure what
Maybe a real timid bloke comes in after & she tells him to take his disgusting erection away from her.

Good stuff anyway Teddy

Thanks for the replies folks, I know the endings staid and I would normally go off on a tangent, but I think this really basic one works

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