British Comedy Guide

Close Class Field Trip

It's late and the city's dark

We see a man in a black polo neck

He is on a roof top crouching under a neon sign

He has a rifle with sniper scope

He has a priest in his sight who is feeding homeless men.

We hear a crunching noise from behind the sniper

He turns and speaks in a loud whisper

F**k off and leave me alone

You know I can't

How the f**k can I be a lone gunman if I've got a f**king stalker!

MANS VOICE (eating as he speaks)
She's not a stalker, she just has issues .....

What the f**k! I can't believe you brought that greedy bastard with you

He's not greedy it's hormonal

You'd believe anything

There's nothing wrong with trusting people, if the good lord.....

For f**ks sake you brought the f**king bible basher as well!

We were worried about you

What the f**ks wrong with you people, all we need is 'Fire Starter Freddy' and
the whole f**king therapy group would have followed me here.

We see smoke and hear a fire alarm

Ooh, do me! Do me!

Does that chat up line ever work?

I imagine I'll find out soon.

Nil I'm afraid there is no hidden agenda in this sketch, I have drifted back to writing comedy instead of evil parables.

I think the evil parables were better teddy :P

Not sure if you were still working through some issues here - but not a comedy sketch.

I actually like that, but I think I was seeing it my head but failed to get it out so the faults mine.

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