A hot lazy sunny afternoon
We see a man in a shed with a paint brush.
His worktop is covered in balsa wood and glue
He is putting the finishing touches to a homemade model
We see it is an old fashioned police telephone box.
The man gingerly carries it from the shed
He takes it through the garden
He places it on the floor and opens both patio doors
He then picks it up and takes it into the living room with great pride
He then places it on the coffee table
On the couch we see a woman
She is holding a cat that is the spitting image of Dr Who
The man smiles
The cat slinks off the woman's lap and heads over to the coffee table.
A giant dog with a spiky collar runs through the opened patio doors.
A distraught man holding a lead appears at the patio doors
The dog runs in and rips the cat to pieces
The man in the patio doorway screams
Davros no !