Saturday 8th September 2007 1:08am [Edited]
Royal Berkshire
69,962 posts
Well, personally I thought that that was brilliant. Some really great scenes, particularly Alex and Jimmy using the laptop.
Yes, middle-class, middle-aged people talking "street" has been done before, but then this time it was actually integral to the plotline, not just used in a pathetic attempt to look cool or generate amusement purely because it's-an-oldie-trying-to-speak-da-yoot.
Have to say though, I hought that Celia/Diana looked a bit odd. Not sure if it was makeup to look tanned or what? Alex seemed a bit toned down from last series I think too. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing yet. Maybe it was just tonight's script though?
Either way, can't wait for next week.