Friday 4th October 2013 9:24pm [Edited]
2,703 posts
ASSISTANT: How do you like those ones, sir?
CUSTOMER: Not bad. Bit heavy along the top, perhaps.
A: Yes, I think you're right, sir. How about this pair?
C: Oh, no, they're too...pernickety.
A: You want something a little simpler, I understand. How about these, from our designer range?
C: Yes, they're quite nice. Oh, but no, they sort of pinch behind the ears.
A: They were designed by a designer, sir.
C: They still feel funny.
A: Very well, sir. Perhaps we have something else in our designer range that might suit.
C: Oh, they're nice!
A: Which ones, sir?
C: Those, the blue ones.
A: Are you sure, sir? They're not designer, sir.
C: Yes they are. Stop saying that. All glasses are made by designers, it stands to reason.
A: Not all of them, sir. These ones over here evolved.
C: What?
A: Yes. I think once there was a primordial pool of cellulose acetate round here and a colony of spectacles sort of sprang up over time. We built the shop round it.
C: Don't be ridiculous.
A: I'm not. And those ones in the corner? They were created by chance in a freak of Brownian motion, I seem to recall; and the ones by the door were put together by a rogue computer that broke its programming. The pair you like the look of were actually made by infinite monkeys: not a designer in sight.
C: I don't care, give me those ones. Ah, yes, these are perfect. How much are they?
A: Fifteen thousand pounds, sir.
C: What?
A: Fifteen thousand pounds, sir. Plus VAT and a discretionary donation to the Save The Simian Foundation.
C: How can they possibly cost that much?
A: Like I said, sir, monkeys made these glasses. We have a rather large basement, and there really are an awful lot of them down there, bashing things together like billy-o. Sometimes they make glasses...but, inevitably, it's not that common.
C: But still, fifteen grand.
A: Think about it, sir. Designing glasses isn't that hard, is it? They are all basically the same shape. And, if you're a glasses designer by trade you can probably rattle through quite a few in a morning. So, covering all the design costs, the ones you saw earlier are about 200 pounds each. On the other hand, the cost of housing chimps in our storeroom and supplying them with enough high tensile memory titanium to chuck about wildly are pretty high. Designer really is the way to go, sir, as I advised earlier.
C: Oh, alright. I'll take the second pair.
A: Very good, sir. And would you like to pay extra for the lenses to be ground by a trained ophthalmic technician?
C: [Sigh] What's the alternative?
A: We put some glass in a stream and wait for erosion.