I'm a Tech Guy now and the job is full of laughs I get at least one stupid call an hour here are some examples:
*I served a Mrs McCracken... I was very tempted to ask for her husband phil
*I served a Mr Beer... Asked him to confirm the name twice... he spelt it both times.
*Some had a problem with there vacuum (I'm a computer line)
*A man spent 2 weeks trying to open his laptop to end up phoning us up and crying.
*someone left a download screen on for over a week (it froze) and she phoned up asking whats taking so long.
*had a a man who when asked to press F11 he actually typed F 1 1 constantly.
*my mate served a bloke called Mr Bananaman... he put him on hold to burst out laugh.
Only been working there just over a month... I'll add more, god it's soo funny.