British Comedy Guide

My Job is Funny

I'm a Tech Guy now and the job is full of laughs I get at least one stupid call an hour here are some examples:

*I served a Mrs McCracken... I was very tempted to ask for her husband phil

*I served a Mr Beer... Asked him to confirm the name twice... he spelt it both times.

*Some had a problem with there vacuum (I'm a computer line)

*A man spent 2 weeks trying to open his laptop to end up phoning us up and crying.

*someone left a download screen on for over a week (it froze) and she phoned up asking whats taking so long.

*had a a man who when asked to press F11 he actually typed F 1 1 constantly.

*my mate served a bloke called Mr Bananaman... he put him on hold to burst out laugh.

Only been working there just over a month... I'll add more, god it's soo funny.

haha I love the crying one

welcome to my world Paul. I had client ask me why I've made a website black on one person's pc and dark grey on another. They didn't realise the monitor brightness settings were different.

Most of my support answers are 'click refresh'.

by the way the title is ment to be "My Job is Funny".

And I LOLed at that CN thats just the tip of the iceberg there's plenty more I just can't remember at the moment.

Want it changed?

Tech guys are so much more helpful than actual PC World staff. My ram was fried on my new computer so I kept getting memory dumps, it took me two trips to PC World (with my PC) for them to send a Tech Guy round. He ran a diagnostic then replaced my ram, then we chatted about games and played CSS for about half an hour. Tech Guys rock at games btw. :)

I don't deal with clients personally, but some of the questions and complaints we've had down at our office are just head-banging. If you tell someone that you're making the update they've requested, they'll invariably phone you back 2 minutes later and ask why the whole website has suddenly stopped working.


I don't know that much about computers...

My best tech story: a friend of my mum's phoned my up and asked why her mouse wasn't working. After going through the various obvious things (cable plugged in etc) I couldn't figure it so went around in person.

Turns out she was moving it about in the air rather than putting it on the mouse mat.

Somewhere on the net I've heard an audio recording of a tech support call in which the guy has "pushed the mouse to the edge of the mouse mat and can't go any further. What should he do as he hasn't got his pointer to the edge of the page yet?"

Laughing out loud

Quote: Mark @ August 24, 2007, 10:38 AM

Somewhere on the net I've heard an audio recording of a tech support call in which the guy has "pushed the mouse to the edge of the mouse mat and can't go any further. What should he do as he hasn't got his pointer to the edge of the page yet?"

Yeah, what do you when the mouse does that? I've been trying to close this browser for days!

When I turn the computer off and on again do I do it from the mains or the Power Station?

You can turn it off???

My mate works in this field and was miffed with one guy he told him to press any key the guy replied I can't find it! Your not looking for a key with any written on it are you? Yes where is it?

Nuff said

I want a highly paid job working from 12pm til 1pm with an hour for lunch.

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